Monday, April 23, 2007

what is your view on the broadcast of the gunman video?

The stunning news of the man that had killed 33 students at Viginia Tech University has shocked the world.The brutality of the man has disgusted and angered many.Yet,the media has chosen to air the video of the rampage.

In my opinion,i feel that it was not appropreiate that the video was being placed on air.Although the video was put up mainly to draw people's attention to this case, i do not think it is advisible to keep it on air.Firstly, the video served no main purpose i.e, it did not have any educational value.Instead, it inspires some people that do not think logically to foloow his brutalitly as a trend.Also, the contents of the videos are not neither pleasing to the eye nor appealing.Hence i feel that releasing the video would only stir up anger within the society towards the event.

However, i feel that releasing of ther video on air might be beneficial as it allows the people to reflect that their society is not always safe.Therefore, it is very important that one remains villigiant towards such events that might happpen again.

I think the media should not air the killings.Probably, they could add more details on the background of the the gunman and his weird behaviours before the killing starts.In this way, people can be more observant to the people around them that may have the same actions.This is to prevent a repeat of history.

1 comment:

Happy Yong... ... said...

I think that you have given a very good point of view for this movie. I agree with most of the things you wote in this entry. I think it would be better if u can add in more personal opinions and things like that. However, i still feel that overall, you did a great job in giving your views and a brief summary od what u have just watched. :)

yong =)