Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Established as an independant state since 1965, the aim of the government was to create a socitey whereby multi racial is praticised.The importance of multi racial was shown during the two racial riots before achieving independance.Injuries were caused and many lives were lost.This reflects how vulnerable our society are to any social unrest among us,the people living in this little island, known as Singapore.It is also due to that we only have human as a natural resource that stresses the importance of us living in harmony.Once tension arises , riots may occur adversly afftecting our economic.

Of course, it is important to have a freedom of speech as stated in the article by Peter Singer.It is thru the freedom that people get to express thier displeasure on certain issues.It also allows the problem to bemade known to the public and then , solutions may then be thought of.As a saying goes, many heads are better than one.The tension or displeasure may then be resolved with external help and tension may then be reduced.For instance the freedom of expressing feelings towards the holocast should be allowed.Despite the senstivity of the victioms it should be alowed so that people are welll aware of the event and tis consequences.Thus, this might caution the public or serve as a warning to the current government that a event like this should not occur anymore.

However, more crticially, it is important to note Szilagyi view that more focus should be placed on moralilty.He emphasises the newspapers should be aware that they do not create the content and lifespan of thier messages.As every messsages would develop its own life and a new issue might be created.Hence, this leads us down to the root of the cause.If there is social responsibilty amongst the people, they will report facts and not create information.

In my own opinion, i feel that having social responsibility is more important then just allowing the freeedom of speech.If one has social responsibilty, he would not create information to stirr up the people's emotions or create tension.Rather, he just reports facts that are laready true and cannot be denied.It is also a common place to see exaggerted in the newspaper where people make matters sound worse.However with the social responsibilty and when only facts are reoprted, this may serve as a warning or an advise to the public.For instance, the trend that Chinese Newsparers are developing is to report on China people as egative impacts on our society.These people especially "pei tu ma ma"( a common word in chinese to represent mothers who accompany thier children here to study) are often classified by Singaporeans as cunning and sinister.This are not unessary tensions and rumors spread by the people.This is because, it is the truth that many men are cheated by these China Women off their money and families are broken up.Hence, this relfects an importance for the government to step in to solve the problem.
Also with social responsibilty , one who not spread rumors or exaggerate the event that they had saw on the newspaper.Hence it is very important to have social responsibilty to love the nation and love every citizen.This combined with the allowance of the freedo of speech would then led to a more harmnious and peaceful society.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Bowling For Columbine

Bowling For Columbine

The arguements put forward are aobut teeange violence.The main issue brought forward is that media has a large influence upon the children and it has manupulated their minds so much that they have became little monsters.The media here not only refers to television but also songs like heavy metal/rock and roll. For instance, Marilyn Manson has been blamed for influencing the public with his songs that brought across violence to the public such as sucidial cases and murder.

However, i feel that it is not neccesary that Marilyn Manson has to accept the blame for the root of violence.His influence might seem greater on the surface as music is a commonplace in majority's life.It is almost everyday that someone listens to music, therefore, one gets influenced easily.Hence, music seems to be the main influence.But,there mught be other factors like the president.The president himself reacted with violence to other countires and has even bombed other countries.Also,factors like , society ,disharmony in the family and hatred with one another might lead to violence amongst the young.

In several western countires, the goverenment does not pass any laws for having possession a gun.This, has its advantages and disadvantages.For instance, in reference to the data findings in the shows, the gun killings in UK is the most,whereby about tens of thousands people are killed due to gun killings.Altough having a gun can be considered as a self defence, it might be misused.It has been shown that children has been misusing gun.Violence has been a commonplace in school.Teenagers can smuggle many different guns to school.The size of the guns vary.There can even be very large guns like rifles that are being hidden in thier pants.Research have stated that some students, mostly buys, feel that it is cool having a gun.

The issues that Moore raise with regards to the media is that gun and bullets are too accessiable in the country.This, would encourage more people to get guns as it is easy and convient to get guns,because, the bullets are so assecciable.Hence, Moore has visited a K mart(a hyper market) that sells bullets.He spoke to the manager and sussfully stopped the selling of the bullets.Moore has also rasied the issue that even a free gun can be given to the people when they apply for a new bank account in the bank.Moore crtisies this as it is very dangerous.It encourags the publice to get guns and in turn encourages violence in the society.

In conclusion, violence has became very common in the society and children are evloving in to 'monsters' probable killers in the future.Therefore , it is important that certain restrictions are made to prevent further ciolence.I.e, make gun more unaccsessible to the public.

Monday, April 23, 2007

what is your view on the broadcast of the gunman video?

The stunning news of the man that had killed 33 students at Viginia Tech University has shocked the world.The brutality of the man has disgusted and angered many.Yet,the media has chosen to air the video of the rampage.

In my opinion,i feel that it was not appropreiate that the video was being placed on air.Although the video was put up mainly to draw people's attention to this case, i do not think it is advisible to keep it on air.Firstly, the video served no main purpose i.e, it did not have any educational value.Instead, it inspires some people that do not think logically to foloow his brutalitly as a trend.Also, the contents of the videos are not neither pleasing to the eye nor appealing.Hence i feel that releasing the video would only stir up anger within the society towards the event.

However, i feel that releasing of ther video on air might be beneficial as it allows the people to reflect that their society is not always safe.Therefore, it is very important that one remains villigiant towards such events that might happpen again.

I think the media should not air the killings.Probably, they could add more details on the background of the the gunman and his weird behaviours before the killing starts.In this way, people can be more observant to the people around them that may have the same actions.This is to prevent a repeat of history.